Monday, July 25, 2011

A week in the life IS HERE

It's finally here - the 7 days of documenting and picture taking!!! If you know me closely, you know that this really is no different that normal life for me except for this week I have intent and purpose and not just a desire to document.

My Goals this week for Week in the life of....

* Limit facebook time! Why? Because sometimes I sit on there just reading all the comments over and over and waist time - I want to take that wasteful times and use them to document!
* Get myself in the picture! -Hand over the camera and don't be afraid to use the photo even if it's not great!
* Keep up on real life still! - I still have responsibilities and they can not go to the waist side for this project!
* Get printer ink refilled so I can print out everything next week!

Have a great first day of the project - can't wait to see what the day brings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First day- over here in oz... good luck with your first day