Saturday, October 09, 2010

December Daily Scrapbook Project

My first December Daily album will begin this year! This is a project I have watched Ali Edwards create for a few years now and have wished that I had a reason to make such an album, not that before having a kid I didn’t have a holiday season, but I just didn’t think I had the time; energy; or creativity to embark on such a task. So, this year I have those things mostly in place and really want to begin documenting the holidays and traditions we have for Julia.

December Daily is an scrapbooking album project that documents the 25 days leading up to Christmas. Many people start their documentation earlier and many people go longer. I have yet to decide on the length my album will be. Many thoughts occur with this – 1) our holiday season usually begins the week before Thanksgiving with out yearly friend’s dinner, but this would be a 36 day album. 2) I would really like to have just 25 days, but want to include the days after thanksgiving, and again that would make it more days. So, this leads to my dilemma, and I will continue to ponder how this album will work for me.

As for now, I am collecting all of my supplies that are holiday related and place them in one bin to begin organizing and sorting through what I would like to use. This should be an easy task, seeing as that I have organized all my supplies recently.

My next task is to write down some ideas of what our holiday traditions are, so I can have an idea of what I’m going to focus on. Here are the ones off the top of my head.

• Family holiday party/December birthday party with Jon’s family
• Woodcrafter’s Holiday party at a fancy restaurant
• Putting up the up the Christmas tree the day after thanksgiving
• Gift shopping/wrapping
• Decorating the house
• Baking cookies
• Cookies in the Jar gift making
• Christmas Card pictures
• Christmas Eve Party at Roxanne & Matthew’s home
• Gift Exchange games
• Waking up at 6am to open Santa’s loot
• Fruit in the stockings
• Watching White Christmas as we wrap gifts
• Laura’s Cookie gift

Ok, so those are a lot of memories I already have, so now I can’t wait to see what this year brings as new memories and traditions.

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