We've been doing a lot of outdoor activities, picnics and yard work, along with park visits and outings. Julia's been visiting with her cousins ALOT, and mostly has been a complete ham lately. She's so silly! I've also been taking most of my pictures with my IPhone, which is so much more handier then any camera, but doesn't always have the best quality. But, I love it!
In April.....
Julia and Deliah went to see the movie "Hop" together right before Easter. It's been over a month now and Julia still talks about going to a movie with Deliah and Molly!
Iris, Paige, and Julia - can you tell they love eachother!? This all of them up at Grandma Roxanne's house.
April 9th: Paige's 3rd Birthday - Julia, Paige, and Faith are all within 5 month of each other in age. That was a fun party!
*More to come...**
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