The countdown is on for the 7 days of story documentations with journals & photos! Ali Edwards has posted a great PDF file for documenting during the day! I think I will be using it just for my journaling, unless there's a specific story to tell. So far I have a few reoccurring events for that week...then it's just daily going-ons for us!
Monday: Julia has preschool; I have Zumba
Tuesday: nothing planned, just staying home probably; Body Combat in the evening
Wednesday: No preschool/going to $1 regal movies in the morning & then Kid's Zumba in the evening & Zumba for me
Thursday: Library story time in the morning and then at home; Body Combat in the evening
Friday: Jon's day off; Zumba before dinner time
Saturday: Jon has the car for work, so we stay at home all day
Sunday: Church, Sunday school ..
My Plan:
As I did last year I will have my journals in 8.5X11 size in between the 12X12 pages. I think I will then have a 1 page layout to get some real traditional scrapbooking into this project this year as the first page for each day, then have the divided page protectors.
Here's the 1 page Layout I'm going to use - shared from Sketch Support
Just the photos:
I'm not going to take a billion photos - I'm going to try to limit myself to 50 a day! This year the project need to be budget friendly, so I won't have the funds to be printing a dozen photos for each day.
The Story:
I talk a lot about my day on facebook, so what if during this week I don't? I'll take that time to write a note about my day somewhere else and limit my social network time to add to my story. This is going to be a huge struggle for me, but as much as I love social networking and just sitting on facebook reading what's going on at my friend's house, I've been getting many comments about the time and energy I spend on facebook. And though many of the comments aren't meant to be rude or put me down in any way, I feel bad that I am essentially spamming my friends with status updates. So, I will be take time away from facebook in order to get the real story of our life into my project. I won't be off 100%, but more like 75%!
What I want to get out of this year's project:
I really want to focus on the art of scrapbooking this year along with the story.
I want to take pictures that inspire me to read the story a year later.
I want to be in the story! This means handing over the camera and excepting that others may not take the photo the same way I would.
So, who's joining me!?
I so excited to start this project... i like how you have already typed up some plans and goals for it... i must do the same over the weekend... I put together my foundation pages today, and decorated the front cover. I have decided to do a 4 by 6 mini... going to post it on the blog on sunday... hope to hear what you think!
I love the idea of doing a mini for this project. I updated this post with the sketch for my Layout too! Can't wait to see yours!
i was just rereading your post, trying to get some inspiration for writing my goals/ plans for the week and i noticed the skecth come up.... i thought to myself was that their before, and i said it must have been....i not seeing thing magical appear. It is after 2am here in Australia... I think i really should go to bed!
HAHA, no I decided to add it in there once I found one I wanted to use. No magic, no tricks, just an update! Can't wait to see how every does theirs!
are you joining the big picture classes community they are having for it... i joined up.... it interesting to read how everyone is planning on doing the theres.
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